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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-11-23
Page range: 61–78
Abstract views: 71
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A new genus of Hubbardiidae (Arachnida: Schizomida) from the Colombian Andes, with some taxonomic comments

Sección de Entomología, Edificio- 320 Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad del Valle, Sede Meléndez. Calle 13 # 100- 00, Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 2101-A, ZP 4579, Maracay, Edo. Aragua, Venezuela
Arachnida Neotropic South America Colombia Calima taxonomy


A new genus, Calima, and two new species, C. bremensis and C. valenciorum, of Hubbardiidae are here described,respectively from Bremen Forest, Filandia, Quindio department and Andinapolis, Trujillo, Valle del Cauca department,both localities located in the Colombian Andes. A comprehensive map of the South American species with a four-segmented female flagellum is presented, tables with characters of New World Hubbardiidae genera are provided. The relationships of the new genus within neotropical Hubbardiidae fauna is discussed.


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