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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-11-27
Page range: 17–32
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New bee species of the genus Monoeca (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Tapinotaspidini) from Brazil

Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Zoologia, Brasília, DF, Brazil, CEP 70910-900
Hymenoptera Taxonomy oil-collecting bees Neotropical Cerrado


Four new species of the genus Monoeca Lepeletier & Serville are described. Two of them, Monoeca campestris sp. nov. and Monoeca planaltina sp. nov. are from Cerrado savanna, Monoeca mourei sp. nov. is from gallery forests and Monoeca catarina sp. nov. is from the Atlantic rainforest of southern Brazil. A key to Brazilian species of Monoeca is provided.


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