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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-11-27
Page range: 33–46
Abstract views: 102
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Review of the genus Onychiurus Gervais, 1841 (Collembola: Onychiuridae) with description of a new cave species from Southern Spain

C/ Ría de Solía 3, ch. 39, 39610 El Astillero (Spain)
Collembola taxonomy chaetotaxy checklist identification key


A new species of the genus Onychiurus is described from Málaga caves (Southern Spain). Onychiurus gevi sp. nov. is characterized by the peculiar distribution of dorsal (32/033/44433) and ventral (11/000/0101) pseudocelli that allow to distinguish it from the other congeneric species. A key of the world species of Onychiurus is provided.


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