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Published: 2016-01-14
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G. J. Billberg’s (1833) ‘On the ichthyology, and description of some new fish species of the pipefish genus Syngnathus

Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, POB 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden.
Pisces Classification New genera New species Sweden Zoological Nomenclature


Gustaf Johan Billberg’s review of ichthyology, published in Swedish in 1833 in the Linnéska samfundets handlingar, mentions 92 fish taxa at genus and species level, 41 of which represent new taxa, unnecessary replacement names, or unjustified emendations. Billberg presents his own classification of fishes, in which five new family names are introduced: Ballistidae, Diodontidae, Ooididae, Chironectidae, and Macrorhyncidae. Diodontidae has priority over Diodontidae Bonaparte, 1835. Macrorhyncidae was published earlier than Gempylidae Gill, 1862, but the latter has priority by prevailing usage.

        Billberg mentions 61 genera of fishes, 41 of them listed only by name. Six generic names proposed by Billberg are available as unjustified emendations: Myxinus, Petromyzus, Scylia, Mustellus, Zyganna, and Ballistes. Brachionus is an unnecessary replacement name. Aphrus, Capriscus, Exormizus, Enneophthalmus, and Oedaus are nomina nuda. Eight new genera of fishes are proposed: Anodon, Posthias, Orbis, Sphaeroides, and Ooides are junior synonyms; Cotilla is a nomen oblitum in relation to Sufflamen Jordan, 1916; Tropigaster a nomen oblitum in relation to Aracana Gray, 1835; and Tetragonizus a nomen oblitum in relation to Lactoria Jordan & Fowler, 1902.

        Billberg lists 31 species of fishes. Three represent new combinations; two are nomina nuda. The following 14 new species are described based on literature: Raja forskohlii, Cephaloptera dumerillii, Myliobatis lacepedei, Scylia russelii, Anodon macropterus, Cotilla frenata, Monacanthus blochii, M. sebae, M. cuvieri, M. marcgravii, Tetraodon striatus, Orbis psittacinus, Orbis punctulatus, and Orbis guttatus. All of those are invalid, except Scylia russelii, which is a species inquirenda. The following nine species group names are unnecessary replacement names and consequently invalid: Raja arabica, Myliobatis rissoi, Scylia isabellina, Anodon cirrhosus, Anodon cornutus, Zyganna voracissima, Centrina broussonetii, Acipenser vulgaris, and Acipenser ichthyocolla.

        Three species of pipefishes of the family Syngnathidae are described and figured by Billberg from drawings of specimens observed on the Swedish West Coast. Syngnathus virens and S. pustulatus are junior synonyms of S. typhle Linnaeus, 1758. Syngnathus palmstruchii is a junior synonym of Entelurus aequoreus (Linnaeus, 1758).



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    Rondeletius, G. (1554) Libri de piscibus marinis, in quibus verae piscium essigies expressae sunt. Matthias Bonhomme, Lugduni, 14 + 538 + 23 pp.

    Röse, A. F. (1793) Petri Artedi Synonymia Nominum Piscium. Ichthyologiae Pars IV. Editio II. Ant. Ferdin. Röse, Grypeswaldiae, 118 pp. [pp. 137–140 + 2 pp. + pp. 1–112]

    Russell, P. (1803) Descriptions and figures of two hundred fishes; collected at Vizagapatam on the coast of Coromandel. 2 Vols. G. and W. Nicol, London, 208 pp. [not seen]

    Salvianus, H. (1559) Aquatilium animalium historiae, liber primus, cum eorumdem formis, aere excusis. Salvianus, Romae, 256 pp.

    Schneider, J.G. (1801) M. E. Blochii systema ichthyologiae. Sumtibus Austoris Impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano Commissum, Berolini, LX + 584 pp.

    Scopoli, J.A. (1777) Introductio ad historiam naturalem sistens genera lapidum, plantarum, et animalium hactenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibus donata, in tribus divisa, subinde ad leges naturae. Gerle, Pragae, x + 506 pp.

    Shaw, G. (1789) The Naturalist's Miscellany, or coloured figures of natural objects; drawn and described from nature. 9. Nodder & Co., London, 48 pls. + text. [pls. 301–348 + text]

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    Smitt, F.A. (1892) Skandinaviens fiskar målade af W. von Wright beskrifna av B. Fries, C. U. Ekström och C. Sundevall. Andra upplagan. Bearbetning och fortsättning. Text. Förra delen. P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag, Stockholm, 566 + VIII + 2 pp.

    Smitt, F.A. (1895a) Skandinaviens fiskar målade af W. von Wright beskrifna av B. Fries, C. U. Ekström och C. Sundevall. Andra upplagan. Bearbetning och fortsättning. Text. Senare delen. P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag, Stockholm, 672 pp. [pp. 567–1239 + 1 p.]

    Smitt, F.A. (1895b) Skandinaviens fiskar målade af W. von Wright beskrifna av B. Fries, C. U. Ekström och C. Sundevall. Andra upplagan. Bearbetning och fortsättning. Taflor. P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag, Stockholm, LIII pls. III pp. [pls. I–LIII, pp. I–III]

    Swainson, W. (1838) The natural history of fishes, amphibians & reptiles, or monocardian animals. Vol. 1. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, London, 368 pp.

    Thompson, D.W. (1947) A glossary of Greek fishes. Oxford University Press, Geoffrey Cumberlege, London, vi + 302 pp.

    Tingry, P.-F. (1803) Traité théorique et pratique sur l'art de faire et d'appliquer les vernis. Tome premier. G.J. Manget, Genève, XLVIII + 327 pp.

    Valmont-Bomare, [J.C.] (1791) Dictionnaire raisonné, universel d'histoire naturelle, Tome cinquième, E-FUT. Bruyset, Lyon, 674 pp.

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    Walbaum, I.I. (1792) Petri Artedi Sueci Genera Piscium. In quibus systema totum Ichthyologiæ proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Ichthyologiæ Pars III. Ant. Ferdin. Röse, Grypeswaldiæ, 723 pp.

    Walbaum, J.J. (1793) Ichthyologia enodata sive index rerum ad historiam piscium naturalem synonymis recentissimorum systematicorum, explicatus. Libraria Gleditschia, Lipsiæ, vi + 114 pp.

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    Weber, M. & de Beaufort, L.F. (1962) The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. XI. Scleroparei, Hypostomides, Pediculati, Plectognathi, Opisthomi, Discocephali, Xenopterygii. Brill, Leiden, xi + 481 pp. [volume authored by de Beaufort]

    Whitley, G.P. (1959) Ichthyological snippets. The Australian Zoologist, 12, 310–323.