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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-12-05
Page range: 23–32
Abstract views: 131
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Brasilomma gen. nov., a new prodidomid genus from Brazil (Araneae, Prodidomidae)

Laboratório Especial de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brasil, 1500, CEP 05503-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia Subterrânea, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Caixa postal 3037. CEP: 37200-000
Núcleo de Pesquisa em Saúde e Biológicas, Centro Universitário de Lavras (UNILAVRAS)
Laboratório Especial de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brasil, 1500, CEP 05503-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Araneae new genus new species caves Brazil taxonomy


The genus Brasilomma gen. nov. is described to include B. enigmatica sp. nov. collected in three caves from the state ofMinas Gerais, Brazil. This genus can be distinguished from the remaining South American Prodidomidae by the malepalps with large triangular projection, covering the base of the embolus, the distal border of the tegulum projected overthe base of the conductor and median apophysis and by the female epigynum with blind, posterior atrium and anteriorlywidened copulation ducts arising from an internal, mushroom-shaped plate. In addition, aspects of the species natural history are described.


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