Three species of Jessopocoris Carvalho are presented, and J. yunnananus and J. aterovittatus, both from China, are described here as new to science. A key to species of Jessopocoris is given. Photographs of the dorsal habitus and illustrations of the dorsal view of hemelytra and the male genitalia are provided. Descriptions and illustrations of the male genitalic characters of Jessopocoris are provided for the first time.
Carvalho, J.C.M. (1981) On three new genera and four new species of Miridae from India and Oceania (Hemiptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 41, 479–484.
Schuh, R.T. (1995) Plant Bugs of the World (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Systematic Catalog, Distributions, Host List, and Bibliography. New York Entomological Society, 1329pp.
Schuh, R.T. (2012) On-line systematic catalog of plant bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). (http://research.amnh.org/pbi/catalog/).