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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-12-06
Page range: 55–58
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Siraton devillei Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), the mysterious weevil from the Isle of Elba: exiled no longer

CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia
via Lorenteggio 37, 20146 Milano, Italy
Coleoptera Molytinae Siraton Melanotranes new synonymy new combination cycad weevils


Siraton devillei Hustache, 1934, described from a single specimen collected on the island of Elba in Italy, is determined to be conspecific with the Australian cycad weevil Melanotranes internatus (Pascoe, 1870). Consequently, Melanotranes Zimmerman, 1994 is a new junior synonym of Siraton Hustache, 1934 and Siraton devillei Hustache, 1934 a new junior subjective synonym of Tranes internatus Pascoe, 1870, and Siraton internatus (Pascoe, 1870) and Siraton roei (Boheman, 1843) are new combinations. A summary of the composition and biology of the Tranes group of weevils is given, and the recorded instances of S. devillei appearing in Europe and the U.S.A. are listed, as well as those of the related cycad-boring Demyrsus meleoides Pascoe in Europe and Africa.


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