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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-12-14
Page range: 304–312
Abstract views: 99
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Traccatichthys tuberculum, a new species of nemacheiline loach from Guangdong Province, South China (Pisces: Balitoridae)

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan 430071, Hubei Province P. R. China
Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, Hubei Province, P.R. China
Kadoorie Conservation China, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Fish Balitoridae Traccatichthys new species Jian-Jiang China


Traccatichthys tuberculum, new species, is herein described from the Jian-Jiang, a coastal river in Guangdong Province,South China. Photo by Bosco P.L. Chan. This new species differs from all other Chinese congeners (i.e., T. pulcher and T.zispi) in interorbital width, caudal-peduncle length, and pectoral-fin length. It, together with T. zispi, lacks the colorpatterns of the dorsal and anal fins in T. pulcher, and differs from T. zispi in preanal length. Traccatichthys tuberculum,together with all other Chinese congeners, is distinct from the Vietnamese species, T. taeniatus, in the shape of the black bar on the caudal-fin base, and the color pattern of the anal fin.


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