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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-12-18
Page range: 16–22
Abstract views: 69
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A new genus and species of the tribe Apameini from the Russian Far East (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Xyleninae)

Laboratory of Entomology, Institute of Biology and Soil Science Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RF-690022 Vladivostok, Russia
Laboratory of Entomology, Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences RF-199034 St. Petersburg, Russia
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Xyleninae Apameini new genus new species East Palaearctic Primorye territory


A new genus Minigrapta gen. n. (type-species Xanthograpta basinigra Sugi, 1982) and new species Minigrapta minimoides sp. n. of the tribe Apameini are described from the Primorye territory, Russia. The species described as Xanthograpta basinigra Sugi, 1982 is transferred from Acontiinae (sensu auctorum) to the subfamily Xyleninae, tribe Apameini; the new combination Minigrapta basinigra Sugi, 1982 comb. n. is proposed. The adults and genitalia are illustrated for these and allied species.


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