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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-12-18
Page range: 51–62
Abstract views: 91
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A revision of the Xestia (Radddea) alexis (Kozhanchikov, 1928) species-group with a checklist of subgenus Raddea Alphéraky, 1892 and description of brachipterous females (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae)

Laboratory of Entomology, Institute of Biology and Soil Science Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RF-690022 Vladivostok, Russia
Tigirek State Nature Reserve, Nikitina str. 111, RF-656049, Barnaul, Russia
Laboratory of Entomology, Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences RF-199034 Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Noctuinae Xestia Raddea Estimata taxonomic notes new synonymy new combination Russia South Siberia


The subgenus Raddea Alphéraky, 1892 of the genus Xestia Hübner, 1818 is reviewed. A checklist of 29 described species is presented, with 26 new combinations (comb. n.) introduced. Two taxa, Xestia (Raddea) alexis (Kozhanchikov, 1928) and Xestia (Raddea) herrichschaefferi (Alphéraky, 1895) are revised, and three new synonyms are introduced (X. alexis (Kozhanchikov, 1928) = Estimata oschi Kozhanchikov, 1937, syn. n.; = Estimata militzae Kozhanchikov, 1937 syn. n.; Protolampra sobrina (Duponchel, 1843) = Estimata dailingensis Chen, 1984, syn. n.). The name alexis Kozhanchikov, 1937 is recognized as unjustified emendation. Lectotypes for X. alexis and X. herrichschaefferi are designated; brachypterous females for X. alexii and X. herrichschaefferi are described.


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