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Type: Articles
Published: 2005-01-12
Page range: 1–14
Abstract views: 90
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Five new species of Polycentropodidae (Trichoptera) from Ecuador and Venezuela

Austin Peay State University, The Center for Field Biology, P. O. Box 4718, Clarksville, Tennessee 37044, U.S.A.
University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology, 1980 Folwell Ave., Room 219, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, U.S.A.
Trichoptera Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Polyplectropus caddisfly new species Neotropics Ecuador VenezuelaChamorro-Lacayo M.L. (2003) Seven new species of Polycentropodidae (Trichoptera) from Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Proceedings of the Ent


Diagnoses, descriptions and illustrations of male genitalia are given for four new species of the Polycentropus gertschi group, Polycentropus cressae n. sp., Polycentropus neblinensis n. sp., Polycentropus quadricuspidis n. sp., and Polycentropus silex n. sp. The former two are from Venezuela and the latter two from Ecuador. In addition, a diagnosis, description and set of male genitalia illustrations are provided for Polyplectropus beccus, a new species from Ecuador. The generic placement of this species, while currently appropriate, may require reclassification pending completion of ongoing studies on Neotropical polycentropodids.


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