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Type: Article
Published: 2016-05-24
Page range: 341–350
Abstract views: 133
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Microgomphus alani (Odonata, Gomphidae) sp. nov. from Cambodia

Institute of Cytology & Genetics SB RAS, Acad. Lavrentyev ave. 10, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia. Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova str. 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Odonata dragonfly Anisoptera Gomphidae Microgomphus new species Cambodia Thailand


Microgomphus alani sp. nov. is described from two males from the coastal southwestern foothills of the Cardamom Mts. in southwestern Cambodia (type locality: Cambodia, Koh Kong Province, 17 km ENE of Koh Kong, ‘Macromia Rivulet’, 11°40'17'' N, 103°07'28'' E, 296 m a.s.l., 3 vi 2014, RMNH). The species is characterised by its small size (hindwing 21–23 mm), cerci with outer angulations, truncated apices and crescent-shaped inner arms sprouting from their middle and not reaching their apices, synthorax with two parallel black lateral stripes and dorsal and collar yellow stripes fused in 7-like manner. Probably females of the same species were earlier reported from Phrae Province in northern Thailand.



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