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Type: Article
Published: 2016-06-14
Page range: 681–684
Abstract views: 118
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Insect Biosystematist Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, CDFA, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448, U.S.A.
Diptera Aulacigastridae catalogue Colombia distribution


This catalog features the only species of Aulacigastridae recorded for Colombia, Aulacigaster grimaldii Rung & Mathis, 2012.



  1. Bächli, G. (1998) 83. Aulacisgaster. In: Merz, B., Bächli, G., Haenni, J.-P. & Gonseth, Y. (Eds.), Diptera – Checklist. Fauna Helvetica, 1, pp. 1, 288, 369. [Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft]

    Bächli, G., Papp, L. & Vanin, S. (1999) New records of Aulacigastridae and Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Switzerl, Italy and Greece. Mitteilungen der Schweizerishcen entomologischen Gesellshaft, 72, 119–122.

    Barraclough, D.A. (1993) The afrotropical species of Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera: Aulacigastridae: Aulacigastrinae). Annals of the Natal Museum, 34 (1), 31–42.

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