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Type: Article
Published: 2016-08-23
Page range: 466–476
Abstract views: 42
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First record of Plethus Hagen (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae) from Japan, with description of a species

Hokkaido Aquatic Biology, Hakuyo-cho, 3-3-5, Eniwa, Hokkaido 061-1434 Japan
Division of Mountain and Environmental Science, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Asahi 3-1-1, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-8621 Japan
Trichoptera new record adult male female pupa final instar larva early instar larva case habitat mitochondrial DNA Taiwan


The tropical and subtropical caddisfly genus Plethus Hagen (Hydroptilidae) is recorded from Japan for the first time. The species, Plethus ukalegon Malicky and Chantaramongkol 2007, originally described from Taiwan, is redescribed based on material from Iriomote-jima and Ishigaki-jima, southern Ryukyu Islands, the southernmost region of Japan. Female and immature stages are newly described and compared with Indonesian congeners. The early instar larva was associated with the adult through mitochondrial DNA sequence comparisons, and is described in the genus Plethus for the first time. Larvae live in fast-flowing waters such as hygropetric zones, rapid streams, and waterfalls. Final instar larvae make flattened cases of silk that they attach tightly on smooth rock surfaces.



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