Aphis species living on the South American native genus Mulinum are studied. Aphis vurilocensis Nieto Nafría, Brown and López Ciruelos, sp. n. is described from apterous viviparous females. Alate viviparous females, oviparous females and winged males of Aphis roberti are described. Knowledge of intraspecific variability of apterous viviparous females of A. martinezi, A. paravanoi and A. roberti is developed. An identification key of apterous viviparous females of Aphis species living on Mulinum is presented.
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Nieto Nafría, J.M., Ortego, J. & Mier Durante, M.P. (1999) Three new species of Aphis living on Mulinum in South America. The Canadian Entomlogist, 131 (3), 283–292.