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Type: Article
Published: 2017-02-03
Page range: 369–389
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Stalked jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) of South Africa, with the description of Calvadosia lewisi sp. nov.

Zoology Department, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Marine Research Institute, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa.
National Systematics Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, United States of America.
Coastal Branch of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Katsuura, Chiba, Japan.
Zoology Department, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Center for Marine Biology, University of São Paulo, São Sebastião, São Paulo, Brazil.
Marine Research Institute, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa.
Coelenterata Stauromedusae Amyostaurida Kishinouyeidae diversity taxonomy


Stalked jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) are cryptic, benthic animals, known mainly from polar and temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere. We describe a new species, Calvadosia lewisi, from South Africa and review the staurozoan fauna of the region. Three other species are previously known from South Africa: Calvadosia capensis (Carlgren, 1938); Depastromorpha africana Carlgren, 1935; and Lipkea stephensoni Carlgren, 1933, but all of these are known from very few records and have been poorly illustrated and documented to date. We provide brief descriptions and photographic illustrations for each species and a list of local and global geographical records. Two (L. stephensoni and C. lewisi), but possibly three (D. africana), of the four known South African staurozoan species are endemic from South Africa. The new species, images, and extra distributional records presented here greatly improve knowledge of the staurozoan fauna in South Africa and, consequently, of the Southern Hemisphere.



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