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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-01-30
Page range: 21–35
Abstract views: 77
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Revision of Paraeupolymnia, and redescription of Nicolea uspiana comb. nov. (Terebellidae: Polychaeta)

El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Laboratorio de Poliquetos, Apartado Postal 424. Chetumal, Q.Roo, 77900, México.
Annelida Grand Caribbean Mexican Caribbean Panama Polychaetes Terebellids Taxonomy new species


Paraeupolymnia Young & Kritzler, 1987 is redefined and its type species, P. carus Young & Kritzler, 1987, is redescribed. It is easily recognized by the presence of two pairs of branchiae on segments two and three, and one pair of lateral lappets on segments two/three; its distribution is expanded to include localities in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, Lesser Antilles and Venezuela. Paraeupolymnia garciagomezi sp. nov. is described from the Florida Keys; it differs from its congeners by the presence of a region with many tubercles on the thoracic dorsal surface, and a rounded emergent papillae between the notoand neuropodia. Finally, P. uspiana Nogueira, 2003, is transferred to Nicolea Malmgren, 1866, because of the lack of lateral lappets, and variation in the number of thoracic chaetigers.


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