The differences between Lycidola Thomson, 1864 and Apeba Martins & Galileo, 1991 are discussed, and a new concept proposed for both genera. Lycidola popeba Galileo & Martins, 2006 is transferred to Apeba. The authorship of Lycidola palliata nigrohumeralis (type species of Acabanga Martins & Galileo, 1991) is corrected. Hemilophus togatus sensu Haase (1892) and sensu Heyne & Taschenberg (1908) are excluded from the synonym of Apeba togata (Klug, 1825). Apeba herrerae sp. nov. is described from Bolivia, and a key to species of this genus is provided. Lycaneptia antiqua Waterhouse, 1880 (= Apeba antiqua) is synonymized with Saperda togata Klug, 1825 (= Apeba togata). Eranina tomentilla Mehl et al., 2015 and Tyrinthia humeralis Martins & Galileo, 2014) are synonymized with Tyrinthia reversa Bates, 1881 (= Icimauna reversa); I. reversa is recorded for the first time from Brazilian state of São Paulo. Icimauna macilenta (Bates, 1881) is figured for the first time, and I. macilenta sensu Martins & Galileo (2014b) is Eraninella longiscapus (Bates, 1881). A key to species of Icimauna is provided. Oreodera clarkei sp. nov. is described from Bolivia. A key to species of Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 recorded from Bolivia is provided. The differences between Hippopsis Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 and Megacera Audinet-Serville, 1835 are summarized, and a new concept is proposed for each. Subsequently, Megacera rigidula Bates, 1866, and M. acuminata Galileo & Martins, 2006 are transferred to Hippopsis.
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