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Type: Article
Published: 2017-05-31
Page range: 565–578
Abstract views: 95
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Taxonomy of 'Euconnus complex'. Part XII. Synonymy circle of Psomophus, Spanioconnus, Scydmaenites and Xestophus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae)

Museum of Natural History, University of Wrocław, Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wrocław, Poland.
Insecta Coleoptera Staphylinidae Scydmaeninae Glandulariini Euconnus Psomophus Spanioconnus Scydmaenites Xestophus Palaearctic Nearctic taxonomy synonymy


Status of subgenera established for Euconnus Thomson with three-segmented antennal club is clarified. Examination of the type species of Psomophus Casey, Spanioconnus Ganglbauer, Scydmaenites Croissandeau and Xestophus Casey led to the conclusion that differences in morphological structures between all these taxa are minor and represent character variability within one subgenus. Consequently, Spanioconnus is maintained as a junior synonym of Psomophus; Scydmaenites is synonymized with Psomophus; and Xestophus, already placed as a junior synonym of Psomophus by Franz and later resurrected by O'Keefe, is again synonymized with Psomophus. Based on small morphological differences (visible only in the antennal structure), it is suggested that in future Psomophus may be placed as a junior synonym of Euconnus s. str. An emended diagnosis of Psomophus is given, and lectotypes are designated for Euconnus callidus Casey, Euconnus kraatzi Reitter and Scydmaenus salinator LeConte.



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