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Type: Article
Published: 2017-06-27
Page range: 543–555
Abstract views: 166
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Morphology and biology of Polydora hoplura Claparède, 1868 (Annelida: Spionidae)

A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 17 Palchevsky Street, Vladivostok 690041, Russia.
South Sea Environment Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, 41, Jangmok 1-gil, Geoje 53201, Republic of Korea.
Villa Dohrn Benthic Ecology Center, Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” di Napoli, Villa Dohrn, Punta S. Pietro, 80077 Ischia, Italy.
Annelida polychaete taxonomy bioinvasion shell-borer oyster abalone


Polydora hoplura Claparède, 1868 is one of the largest species among congeners, attaining 6 cm in length and 2 mm in width for more than 200 chaetigers. It is a harmful shell-borer unintentionally transported with objects of aquaculture across the world. Brief original description and absence of type material resulted in confusion with the identification of this species. Herein, we review previous records, establish a neotype and redescribe P. hoplura based on newly collected material from the type locality, the Gulf of Naples. We also describe worms from other localities in Italy, illustrate adult morphology and report gradual development of taxonomic features of this species in ontogenesis based on material from South Korea.



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