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Type: Article
Published: 2017-08-01
Page range: 55–70
Abstract views: 192
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Phthiria vaganoides sp. nov. (Bombyliidae, Phthiriinae, Phthiriini) from Northern Iran with the first record of Phthiria fulva Meigen, 1804 reared from a lepidopteran and description of the pupa

Plant Protection Research Department, Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Qazvin, Iran.
Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96817-2704, USA.
Diptera Bombyliidae bee flies new species Iran Phthiria


Based on material collected from Northern Iran, a new species of the genus Phthiria, Phthiria vaganoides sp. nov., is described and its diagnostic characters are photographed. Phthiria fulva Meigen, 1804 is also recorded for the first time from Iran. The pupal exuviae of Phthiria fulva Meigen is described and illustrated and its host, Argyresthia sp. is recorded. This marks the first description of an immature stage of the genus Phthiria.



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