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Type: Article
Published: 2017-10-26
Page range: 489–506
Abstract views: 179
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The American species of the genus Glaucolepis Braun, 1917 (Neotrifurcula van Nieukerken, syn. nov.) (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and Baltic-American Biotaxonomy Institute, Studentu St. 39, Vilnius LT-08106, Lithuania.
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and Baltic-American Biotaxonomy Institute, Studentu St. 39, Vilnius LT-08106, Lithuania. Nature Research Centre, Akademijos St. 2, Vilnius LT-08412, Lithuania.
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and Baltic-American Biotaxonomy Institute, Studentu St. 39, Vilnius LT-08106, Lithuania.
Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, USDA, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 20013-7012, USA.
Lepidoptera American fauna Argentina Chile Glaucolepis Braun Glaucolepis aerifica Neotrifurcula Nepticulidae new species


We provide diagnostic characters for the genus Glaucolepis Braun, re-examine the type series of the type species of the North American G. saccharella Braun, describe two new species from Chile and Argentina (G. flagellata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov. and G. pseudoflagellata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.), and provide the first photographic documentation of the central Andean G. aerifica (Meyrick). We synonymize Neotrifurcula van Nieukerken, 2016, syn. nov. with Glaucolepis and provide one new combination for the south Andean G. gielisorum (van Nieukerken, 2016), comb. nov. All species treated in the paper are illustrated with drawings and (or) photographs of the adults and genitalia.



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