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Type: Monograph
Published: 2017-11-27
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Taxonomic review of the Craniophora s. l. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Acronictinae) generic complex with description of 8 new genera and 13 new species

University of Debrecen, Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, Egyetem tér 1, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary.
Lepidoptera taxonomy Eurasia Africa Australia Craniophora Cycloprora Megalonycta Miracopa Acronicta descriptions of new genus and species-level taxa


Present paper contains the description of 8 new genera, separated from Craniophora (Harmandicrania, Graesericrania, Eurypterocrania, Turnerinycta, Fascionycta, Berionycta, Draudtinycta and Sinonycta gen. n.) and 13 new species (Harmandicrania barnandi, H. tathabayandi, H. brunneocinerea, H. sinoandi, H. peninsularis, H. nipponica, Berionycta limbata, B. ponticamima, B. nigra, B. orbicularis, B. behouneki, B. berioi and B. beckroberti spp. n.). Based on external and genital morphology and characters of the abdominal segments the taxonomic context of the genus Craniophora was reduced, the genus Megalonycta was extended. 22 new combinations and 11 new states were introduced. 8 lectotypes and 4 neotypes were designated. With 6 plates of morphological characters and 231 figures in 33 plates. The male and female last abdominal segments of most of the species are figured for the first time.



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