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Type: Article
Published: 2017-11-29
Page range: 258–270
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On the systematic position of the genera Paraplastis Hampson, Migoplastis Felder and Dondera Moore (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae)

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, SB RAS, Frunze str. 11, RF-630091, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Altai State University, Lenina str. 61, RF-656049, Barnaul, Russia; Tomsk State University, Institute of Biology, Ecology, Soil Science, Agriculture and Forestry, Lenina Avenue, 36, RF-634050, Tomsk, Russia.
Lepidoptera Nyctemerini Nyctemera Deilemera Arctata Paraplastis Migoplastis Dondera Southeast Asia new synonymy checklist


Type species of three poorly known Arctiinae genera, Paraplastis Hampson, 1901, Migoplastis Felder, 1868 and Dondera Moore, 1877 are examined. All three taxa are transferred here from the subtribe Arctiina to the subtribe Nyctemerina of the tribe Arctiini. Paraplastis and Migoplastis (= Pachyphilonia Butler) are synonymized with the subgenus Deilemera Hübner, [1820] of the genus Nyctemera Hübner, [1820]. Dondera is synonymized with the subgenus Arctata Roepke, 1949 of the genus Nyctemera, and recognized as the older name for the subgenus. Three new combinations are established: Nyctemera (Deilemera) hampsoni (Swinhoe, 1889), comb. nov., Nyctemera (Deilemera) correcta (Walker, [1865]), comb. nov. and Nyctemera (Dondera) alba (Moore, 1877), comb. nov. The check-list of the subgenus Dondera is presented. Male and female genitalia of N. correcta and N. alba and female genitalia of N. hampsoni are described and illustrated for the first time.



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