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Type: Article
Published: 2007-09-05
Page range: 35–45
Abstract views: 135
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Taxonomic studies on the Bembidion (‘Cillenus’) complex (Coleoptera: Carabidae): A revision of the subgeneric taxonomy and description of a new species from Japan

The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, Laboratory of Forest Zoology, Yayoi 1–1–1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113–8657, Japan
Coleoptera Bembidiina Bembidion umi nom. nov. Bembidion yakushimanum sp. nov. complicated taxonomy Desarmatocillenus morphological phylogeny new synonymy


The supraspecific taxonomy of the coastal carabid Bembidion (‘Cillenus’) complex is controversial because a single ‘synapomorphy,’ a large head with long mandibles, may be the result of functional convergence. This study examined the phylogeny of B. (‘Cillenus’) complex based on morphological characters to revise the complicated taxonomy of this group. All type species of the genera concerned were included, and membranous parts of the genitalia (male endophallus and female vagina and spermatheca) were examined for the first time. Because all species are treated under the genus Bembidion Latreille (s. l.), Bembidion umi nom. nov. is proposed as a new name for Sakagutia marina Uéno. In the resultant tree, reciprocal monophyly of most traditional taxa was not supported, whereas a monophyletic group of the following seven species was relatively well supported: B. seticorne Lindroth, B. yokohamae (Bates), B. sumaoi Morita, B. aestuarii (Uéno & Habu), B. tokunoshimanum (Nakane), B. tsutsuii (Uéno), and B. yakushimanum sp. nov. Based on these results, the subgenus Desarmatocillenus Netolitzky (type species: B. yokohamae) was redefined, and two subgenera were synonymised with it: Novicillenus Uéno & Habu (type species: B. aestuarii) syn. nov., and Corallicillenus Uéno (type species: B. tsutsuii) syn. nov.. Bembidion (Desarmatocillenus) yakushimanum sp. nov. is described from Japan.


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