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Type: Article
Published: 2018-02-28
Page range: 123–132
Abstract views: 188
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Morphological and molecular features of some freshwater prawn species under genus Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) from Myanmar

School of Life Sciences, Hubei key laboratory of genetic regulation and integrative biology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, PR China Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
School of Life Sciences, Hubei key laboratory of genetic regulation and integrative biology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, PR China
School of Life Sciences, Hubei key laboratory of genetic regulation and integrative biology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, PR China
School of Life Sciences, Hubei key laboratory of genetic regulation and integrative biology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, PR China Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Crustacea Macrobrachium morphology COI phylogenetic tree Myanmar


Myanmar is abundant in lakes and rivers, yet only a few investigations on the fauna of shrimps and prawns have been conducted and no molecular characteristics of prawn species have been described. This study reveals the morphologically identification of five freshwater prawn species under the genus Macrobrachium, including M. cavernicola, M. australiense, M. johnsoni, M. josephi and Macrobrachium sp.WMY-2017. As there was no previous record and information concerning with M. australiense, M. johnsoni, M. josephi and Macrobrachium sp. WMY-2017, they were regarded as the first record from Myanmar. A fragment of Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I Gene (COI) was amplified successfully from three studied species: M. australiense, M. josephi, and Macrobrachium sp.WMY-2017. The interspecific divergences of studied species varied from 0.01 to 0.15. The phylogenetic tree based on COI fragment sequences showed that M. australiense was closely related to M. rosenbergii, while Macrobrachium sp. WMY-2017 was closest to M. josephi. The results of molecular phylogeny has clarified the relationship within the genus Macrobrachium and represents the first step toward understanding the pattern of speciation base on molecular approach in Myanmar.



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