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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2018-06-07
Page range: 589–594
Abstract views: 125
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On the blue butterfly taxa established by L.G. Courvoisier with the type locality “Narün” (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)

Russian Entomological Society, Nizhny Novgorod Branch, P.O. Box 97 Nizhny Novgorod, RF-603009 Russia.
Lepidoptera Lycaenidae


The status and systematic position of the blue butterfly taxa, established by L.G. Courvoisier from “Narün”, are discussed. The following lectotypes are designated and figured: [Chrysophanus Phlaeas] F. naruena Courvoisier, 1911, Lycaena icarus Rott. F. wiskotti Courvoisier, 1911, Lycaena arion L. F. naruena Courvoisier, 1911 and [Lycaena] Argus Schiff. (Argyrognomon Bgstr.) f. naruena Courvoisier, 1913. The following taxonomic implications are made: L. phlaeas phlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761) = L. phlaeas naruena (Courvoisier, 1911), syn.n.; P. icarus icarus (Rottemburg, 1775) = P. icarus wiskotti (Courvoisier, 1911), syn.n.; Phengaris cyanecula naruena (Courvoisier, 1911), stat.rev. = P. cyanecula sosinomus (Fruhstorfer, 1915), syn.n., = P. cyanecula sauron (Korb, 2003), syn.n.; P. idas idas (Linnaeus, 1761) = P. idas naruena (Courvoisier, 1913), syn.n., = P. idas sareptensis Chapman, 1917, syn.n. The type locality of P. cyanecula naruena (Courvoisier, 1911) must be corrected as well: “Narün” (Naryn in Inner Kyrgyzstan). The taxonomic status and geographic distribution of the Central Asiatic populations of P. idas are discussed, which tells that the additional research is needed to clarify the problem.



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