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Type: Monograph
Published: 2010-12-03
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Taxonomic review of the genus Osbornellus Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Central America

Insect Collection, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Republic of Panama Laboratory of Biological Study from Crop Pest, Estafeta Universitaria, Universidad de Panamá, Panama City, Republic of Panama
Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) Apto postal 474-2050, Mercedes de Montes de Oca, San José Costa Rica Museo de Zoología, Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Apartado postal 2060
Hemiptera Leafhopper morphology key description taxonomy Costa Rica


A taxonomic review of the genus Osbornellus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Costa Rica revealed the presence of 48 species, of which 37 are described as new and six are new records for the country. A key for the identification of Osbornellus species of Costa Rica is provided. Osbornellus lacunis DeLong and Martinson is synonymized with Osbornellus blantoni Linnavuori and Osbornellus separatus DeLong is synonymized with Osbornellus pallidus.


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