Two news species of Tricorythodes are described from both, nymph and male imago: Tricorythodes chalaza sp. nov. and Tricorythodes diasae sp. nov. Imagoes of T. diasae sp. nov. can be characterized as follows: vein CuP of wings absent or incomplete; distal 3/4 of hind legs black; inner margins of styliger plate projected; penes rectangular with lateral margins sclerotized, forming two distal lobes inserted apico-dorsally with rounded margins whereas imagoes of T. chalaza sp. nov. present: vein CuP incomplete or absent; inner margins of styliger plate projected; basal swelling on segment II of forceps shaded with black; penes pyramidal with lateral margins sclerotized, divided apically.
Allen, R.K. (1967) New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae). Canadian Entomologist, 99, 350–375.
Da-Silva, E.R., Gonçalves, I.C. & De-Souza, M.R. 2010(2009) Lista de espécies pertencentes à ordem Ephemeroptera (Insecta) ocorrentes no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, 67(3-4), 383–394.
Dias, L.G., Cabette, H. & Souza, D. (2009) A new species of Tricorythodes Ulmer (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) and first record of Tricorythodes quizeri Molineri from Brazil. Aquatic Insects, 31(1), 95–99.
Dias, L.G., Cruz, P.V. & Ferreira, P.S.F. (2009) A new species of Tricorythodes Ulmer (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) from Northern Brazil. Annales de Limnologie, 45(2), 127–129.
Dias, L.G. & Salles, F.F. (2006) A new species of Tricorythodes Ulmer (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) from Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Entomology, 35, 56–58.
Domínguez, E., Molineri, C., Pescador, M.L., Hubbard, M.D. & Nieto, C. (2006) Ephemeroptera of South America. Aquatic Biodiversity of Latin America. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow, 646 pp.
Molineri, C. (2002) Cladistic analysis of the South American species of Tricorythodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) with the description of new species and stages. Aquatic Insects, 24, 273–308.
Molineri, C. (2003) Revision of the South American species of Leptohyphes Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) with a key to the nymphs. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 39, 47–70.
Salles, F.F. (2010) Ephemeroptera do Brasil. Available from: http://ephemeroptera.br.googlepages.com/home (accessed 18 August 2010).
Traver, J.R. (1959) The subfamily Leptohyphinae. Part II: Five new species of Tricorythodes (Ephemeroptera, Tricorythidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 61, 121–131.
Ulmer, G. (1920) Neue Ephemeropteren. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 85(a), 1–80.