Bittacus diaoluoshanus sp. nov., the second species of Bittacidae (Mecoptera) from Hainan Island, China is described from Diaoluoshan National Forest Park. The new species is separated from other hangingflies of Bittacus by two crossveins below pterostigma; four tawny brown spots each at ORs, FRs, OM, and the distal end of CuP; one tawny stripe along apical margin from pterostigma to beyond apex; absence of Av; and male epandrial appendages subquadrangular at lateral aspect.
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Somma, L.A. (2009) First record for the recently discovered hangingfly Bittacus monastyrskiyi Bicha, 2007 (Mecoptera: Bittacidae) from Há Tay Province, Vietnam. Insecta Mundi, 0096, 1–2.
Tan, J.L. & Hua, B.Z. (2006) Behaviors of the hangingfly Bittacus planus. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology, 43, 348–351.
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Tan, J.L. & Hua, B.Z. (2009b) Terrobittacus, a new genus of the Chinese Bittacidae (Mecoptera) with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Natural History, 43, 2937–2954.