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Type: Article
Published: 2012-10-05
Page range: 57–78
Abstract views: 110
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A taxonomic revision of Pseudochitinopoma Zibrowius, 1969 (Annelida, Serpulidae) with description of two new species

Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney 2010 NSW, Australia
Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis, POB 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands
Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University, Hodogaya, Yokohama 240-8501 Japan
Annelida Pseudochitinopoma amirantensis sp. nov. P. beneliahuae sp. nov. P. capensis comb. nov. P. occidentalis P. pavimentata reproduction taxonomy


This study is a revision of the poorly known genus Pseudochitinopoma Zibrowius, 1969 (Annelida, Serpulidae), erected for Hyalopomatopsis occidentalis Bush, 1905 from the West Coast of North America. Subsequently, an unnamed Pseudochitinopoma sp. nov. from the Seychelles (ten Hove 1994) (described herein as P. amirantensis sp. nov.) and P. pavimentata Nishi, 1999 were added to the genus. Ficopomatus capensis Day, 1961 is herein referred to Pseudochitinopoma, based on examination of the type material. Finally, Pseudochitinopoma beneliahuae sp. nov. was described from Western Australia and the Red Sea. Reproductive patterns and phylogenetic affinities of Pseudochitinopoma spp. are discussed.


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