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Type: Article
Published: 2019-04-01
Page range: 195–200
Abstract views: 178
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A new troglobitic species of Metopioxys (Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Brazilian iron ore caves

Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - MPEG, Av. Perimetral, 1901 - Terra Firme, Belém, Brazil.
VALE—Avenida Dr. Marco Paulo Simon Jardim 3580—Mina de Águas Claras—Nova Lima—Minas Gerais, Brazil
Centro de Estudos em Biologia Subterrânea, Setor de Biodiversidade Subterrânea, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Coleoptera Staphylinidae Pselaphinae troglobiotic Metopioxys Brazil


A new species, Metopioxys carajas, is described from caves of Pará state in Brazil. Photographs and the major diagnostic characters are provided for the new species.



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