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Published: 2002-08-22
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Addenda and corrigenda to ‘A World Catalogue of Families andGenera of Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera)’

Depto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2; E-28006 Madrid, Spain
Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom
Coleoptera Curculionoidea World Catalogue additions corrections new subgenus new genus new name


Omissions from and corrections to Alonso Zarazaga & Lyal (1999) are given. The following 19 valid taxa described before 2000 were absent and are now included: Brarus Kuschel, 1997 in Nemonychidae, Brachycorynus, Habroxenus, Neoxenus, Sicanthus and Trigonorhinini (all of Valentine, 1999 in Anthribidae), Gobicar Gratshev & Zherikhin, 1999 in Eccoptarthridae, Neoicaris Hoffmann, 1968 in Erirhinidae, Baezia Alonso-Zarazaga & García, 1999, Ecezius Thompson, 1982, Hirtegrius Colonnelli, 1999, Kyklioacalles Stueben, 1999, Neasphalmus Nakane, 1963, Neomroczkowskiella Kania, 1999, Notegrius Colonnelli, 1999, Onyxacalles Stueben, 1999, Oreochorus Zaslavskij & Korotyaev, 1998, Perigasteromimus Colonnelli, 1999, Pseudoglyptobaris Thompson, 1982 and Strophocodes Pelletier, 1999 in Curculionidae. A new replacement name is proposed in Attelabidae: Riedeliops Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal (subgenus of Euops Schoenherr, 1839) nom. nov. for Charops Riedel, 1998 (non Holmgren, 1858). New synonymies are: Basitropini Lacordaire, 1866 (= Eugonini Lacordaire, 1866, syn. nov.) in Anthribidae; Haplorhynchites (Haplorhynchites) Voss, 1924 (= Aphlorhynchites Sawada, 1993, syn. nov., removed from synonymy with Teretriorhynchites) in Rhynchitidae; Belorhynchus Berthold, 1827 (= Belopherus Schoenherr, 1833, syn. nov.) and Arrhenodini Lacordaire, 1866 (= Belorhynchini Lacordaire, 1866, syn. nov.) in Brentidae; Otiorhynchus (Dorymerus) Seidlitz, 1890 (= Otiorhynchus (Normotionus) Reitter, 1912, syn. nov.), Pseudomeira Stierlin, 1881 (= Neoperitelinus O’Brien & Wibmer, 1982, syn. nov.), Polydrusini Schoenherr, 1823 (= Liophloeidae Gistel, 1848, syn. nov.), Leptomias (Leptomias) Faust, 1886 (= Formanekia Fleischer, 1923, syn. nov.) and Trachodini Gistel, 1848 (= Acicnemidini Lacordaire, 1866, syn. nov.) in Curculionidae. New type species designations are: Hypera arvernica Capiomont, 1868 for Pachypera Capiomont, 1868 (Curculionidae) and Orthosinus velatus Motschulsky, 1863 for Orthosinus Motschulsky, 1863 (Dryophthoridae). Two taxa are described as new in Curculionidae: Otiorhynchus (Magnanotius) Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, subgen. nov. (type species Otiorhynchus kollari Gyllenhal, 1834, in Entiminae Otiorhynchini), and PajnisoodesAlonso-Zarazaga & Lyal gen. nov. (type species: Dirodes flavomaculatus Pajni & Sood, 1982 in Lixinae Cleonini). New combinations are: Pajnisoodes flavomaculatus (Pajni & Sood, 1982) and P. chandigarhensis (Pajni & Sood, 1982), both from Dirodes. New placements are: Teretriorhynchites Voss, 1938 to subgenus of Haplorhynchites (from Involvulus) (Rhynchitidae). Hypodeporaus Voss, 1922 to subgenus of Deporaus (from synonymy under Caenorhinus) (Rhynchitidae). Belorhynchus Berthold, 1827 to genus in Arrhenodini (from synonymy under Nemorhinus) (Brentidae). Tychaeini Schönfeldt, 1910 to tribe in Trachelizinae (from synonymy under Belorhynchini) (Brentidae). Afghanocryptus Voss, 1961 to Erirhininae Arthrostenini (Erirhinidae) from Ocladiinae (Brachyceridae). Myocalandra Faust, 1894 to Diocalandrini (from Litosomini) (Dryophthoridae). Hydronomidius Faust, 1898 to Erirhininae Erirhinini (Erirhinidae) from Bagoinae (Curculionidae). Picia Tournier, 1895 to Erirhinini from Stenopelmini (Erirhinidae). Hypsomus Schoenherr, 1836, Sidomenia Laporte, 1840 and Stenotypus Marshall, 1957 to Curculioninae i. sed. (Curculionidae) from Erirhinini (Erirhinidae). Meripherellus Lea, 1915 to Tychiini i. sed. (Curculionidae) from Erirhinini (Erirhinidae). Opsittis Pascoe, 1870 to Molytinae i. sed. (Curculionidae) from Erirhinini (Erirhinidae). Praolepra Broun, 1880 to Storeini (Curculionidae) from Erirhinini (Erirhinidae). Herpes Bedel, 1874 to Hyperinae Hyperini (from Entiminae Thecesternini) (Curculionidae). Oropterus White, 1846 to Eugnomini from Anthonomini (Curculionidae). Pachytrichus Schoenherr, 1836 to Curculioninae i. sed. from Rhythirrhinini (Curculionidae). Oreoscotus Aurivillius, 1910 to Aminyopini from Molytinae i. sed. (Curculionidae). Dirodes Pascoe, 1887 to Sternechini from Cleonini (Curculionidae). Rhinospineus Hoffmann, 1961 to genus in Cyphicerina (from synonymy under Taurostomus) (Curculionidae). Epicthonius Schoenherr, 1823 to genus in Cyclomini (from synonymy under Cyclomus) (Curculionidae). Caulostrophilus Desbrochers, 1905 to genus in Brachyderini (from subgenus of Caulostrophus) and Pelletierius Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 to genus in Brachyderini (from subgenus of Strophosoma) (Curculionidae). Meconemus Labram & Imhoff, [1838] is reinstated as the valid name for Ischnocerus Schoenherr, 1839 (Anthribidae).


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