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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-09-28
Page range: 75–98
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Remarks on biology, vocalisations and systematics of Urocynchramus pylzowi Przewalski (Aves, Passeriformes)

Naturschutz-Tierpark Goerlitz, Zittauer Strasse 43, 02826 Goerlitz, Germany
Tierpark Berlin, Am Tierpark 125, 10307 Berlin, Germany
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Zoologie, Müllerweg 6, 55099 Mainz, Germany
Aves Urocynchramidae Przewalski´s Rosefinch Long-tailed Rosefinch Uragus sibiricus acoustics


Several field studies in the Qinghai Nanshan area (Qinghai Province, China) have added new findings to the scant knowledge about Przewalski´s Rosefinch Urocynchramus pylzowi Przewalski, 1876. The hitherto completely unknown vocalisations are described and used to clarify systematic relationships. Although one could argue for a relationship to Uragus sibiricus (Pallas), based on nearly identical auditory impression and sonagram structures of their songs, detailed measurements show significant differences in time and frequency parameters. Moreover a mtDNA analysis shows no close phylogenetic relationship to either of three major emberizid clades. These results support the hypothesis that Urocynchramus belongs in its own family, the Urocynchramidae.


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