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Type: Article
Published: 2002-07-19
Page range: 1–15
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Two new species of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from grasses in Poland

Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Environmental Biology; Szamarzewskiego 91A, 60-569 Poznañ, Poland
Acari Abacarus longilobus Acaralox arundinaceus Eriophyoidea grasses new species phytophagous Poaceae taxonomy


Two new eriophyoid species collected in Poland are described and illustrated. Acaralox arundinaceus sp. n. was found in leaf sheaths of Phalaris arundinacea L. (Poaceae), and the intensity of its infestation was 78.6 (n= 22; 95% CI: 43.8141.1) specimens per stem. Abacarus longilobus sp. n. was found vagrant on Bromus inermis Leyss. (Poaceae), and the intensity of its infestation was 49.6 (n= 7; 20.7-101.3). This species was also found on three other grass species, however, its infestation intensity on these plants was lower.


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