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Type: Articles
Published: 2009-07-16
Page range: 29–50
Abstract views: 92
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On the genus Urytalpa Edwards (Diptera: Keroplatidae) in the Nordic and Nearctic regions, with fixation of a new type species and a key to world males

Museum of Zoology, Lund University, Helgonavägen 3, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences, SE-391 82 Kalmar, Sweden
Kyrkvägen 17, S-960 30, Vuollerim, Sweden
Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817, USA
Diptera Orfeliini new species new synonym new combination Nordic revision


The five Nordic species of the genus Urytalpa Edwards (Diptera: Keroplatidae) are revised, of which one species, Urytalpa galdes Hedmark & Kjaerandsen, sp. n., is described as new to science based on males collected in northern Sweden. We find that the original type species assignment for Urytalpa (Platyura ochracea Meigen, 1818) is based on a misidentification, and in order to stabilize the nomenclature we therefore select a new type species, Urytalpa dorsalis (Staeger, 1840), sp. restit. A lectotype is designated for Orfelia ochracea (Meigen, 1818), comb. n. = Orfelia unicolor (Staeger, 1840), syn. n. The males of U. atriceps (Edwards, 1913), U. dorsalis, U. macrocera (Edwards, 1913) and U. trivittata (Lundström, 1914), and the females of U. dorsalis, U. macrocera and U. trivittata are described and illustrated based on Nordic material. As the first known Nearctic representative of Urytalpa, U. nigrita (Johannsen, 1910), comb. n., known from western USA (Washington) and Canada, is transferred from Pyrtaula to Urytalpa, illustrated and compared with the closely related U. rhapsodica Chandler, 1995 from central Europe. A key to all known males is provided. The generic limits of Urytalpa as presently understood are vague in relation to related genera and the genus is in need of a revision.


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