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Type: Article
Published: 2019-07-24
Page range: 369–384
Abstract views: 133
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Hindgut Ciliate Composition of Thoroughbred Mares in Kentucky, USA, and Binary Fission in Polymorphella ampulla

Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Turkey
Department of Veterinary Science, Gluck Equine Research Center, Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Central Research Laboratory, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Turkey
Protist binary fission ciliate hindgut Kentucky thoroughbred mare USA


Species composition and distribution of hindgut ciliates were investigated in the feces of 20 thoroughbred mares in Kentucky, USA. Thirty-three species and six morphotypes belonging to 21 genera were identified. The average density of hindgut ciliates in mares was 13.5 ± 13.7 × 104 cells ml−1, whereas mean number of ciliate species per host was 14.4 ± 5.3. Bundleia nana, B. elongata, B. piriformis, Blepharoconus hemiciliatus, Holophryoides ovalis, H. macrotricha, Blepharoprosthium polytrichum, Prorodonopsis coli, Paraisotrichopsis composita, Blepharocorys microcorys, and Ochoterenaia appendiculata were the first identified species in horses inhabited in USA. Scanning electron microscopic images of Holophryoides macrotricha, Paraisotrichopsis composita, Cycloposthium dentiferum m. corrugatum, C. edentatum m. edentatum, C. edentatum m. scutigerum, Tetratoxum parvum m. parvum, T. parvum m. sulcatum, T. excavatum m. excavatum, Allantosoma intestinale, and Arcosoma brevicorniger were studied. Binary fission in Polymorphella ampulla was also studied.



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