A catalog of the Athericidae from Neotropical and Andean Regions is provided. All valid names and synonyms are presented, totaling twenty-seven species and three genera in these Regions. All references known from the taxonomic and biological literature are given, including information about name, author, year of publication, page number, type species, type locality and bibliography. The genus Atherix Meigen is not represented in Neotropical nor Andean Regions.
Aldrich, J.M. (1905) A catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 46 [= No. 1444], 680 pp.
Amorim, D.S., Santos, C.M.D. & Oliveira, S.D. (2009) Allochronic taxa as an alternative model to explain circumantarctic disjunctions. Systematic Entomology, 34, 2–9.
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Bigot, J.M.F. (1856) Essai d’une classification générale et synoptique de l’ordre des insectes diptères. (4e mémoire.). Tribus des Tabanidii, Nemestrinidii, Cyrtidii et Leptidii (mihi). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, (3) 4, 51–91.
Bigot, J.M.F. (1887) Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. Leptidi. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 12, 97–118.
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Brèthes, J. (1918) Quelques Diptéres du Chili. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 22 (2–3), 49–50.
Brunetti, E. (1909) XLIII Revision of the Oriental Leptidae. Records of the Indian Museum Volume II, part V, 417–436.
Brunetti, E. (1920) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera Brachycera. Vol. I. Taylor & Francis, London, x + 401 pp.
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Coscarón, S. (1995) See Coscarón, S. & Coscarón, M.C. (1995).
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Coscarón, S. & Coscarón, M.C. (1995) Neotropical Athericidae. II. Revision of genus Dasyomma Macquart, 1840 (Diptera: Athericidae). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 19, 75–98.
Coscarón, S. & Coscarón, M.C. (1996) Neotropical Athericidae. I. Suragina neotropica (Lidner 1924) n. comb. Presence of genus Suragina on the western tropical area of South America (Insecta: Diptera: Athericidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 40 (1), 107–110.
Coscarón, S. & Papavero, N. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Pelecorhynchidae. Neotropical Diptera, 5, 1–7.
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Downes, J.A. (1958) The feeding habits of biting flies and their significance in classification. Annual Review of Entomology, 3, 249–266.
Edwards, F.W. (1934) Four new Diptera in the collection of the Berlin Zoological Museum. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series B, 3, 186–187.
Edwards, F.W. & Shannon R.C. (1927) Expedición entomológica argentine-británica al Nooeste de la Patagonia. Revista del Instituto Bacteriológico Argentino, 4 (7), 644–661.
Espinoza, B.M.R. (1917) Los alerzales de Piuchué. Boletín del Museo Nacional, 10, 36–93.
Evenhuis, N.L. (1997) Litteratura • Taxonomica • Dipterorum (1758–1930) being a selected list of the books and prints of Diptera taxonomy from the beginning of Linnaean nomenclature to the end of the year 1930; containing information on the biographies, bibliographies, types, collections, and patronymic genera of the authors listed in this work; including detailed information on publication dates, original and subsequent editions, and other ancillary data concerning the publications listed herein. 2 Vols. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, x + 871 pp.
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Foote, B.A. (1991) Athericidae (Tabanoidea). In: Stehr, F.W. (Ed.), Immature Insects, Volume 2. Kendall / Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa, pp. 766–767.
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Hardy, G.H. (1920) Australian Rhiphidae and Leptidae (Diptera). Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, (1920), 117–129.
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Hunter, W.D. (1901) Catalogue of the Diptera of South America. Part II, Homodactyla and Mydidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 27, 121–155.
James, M.T. (1965) Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae). In: Stone, A. et al. (Eds.). A catalog of the Diptera of America north of Mexico. Agriculture Handbook Nº 276. Agricultural Research Service. United States Department of Agriculture, pp. 342–348.
James, M.T. (1968) 29. Rhagionidae. In: Papavero, N. (Eds.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, pp. 1–12.
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Malloch, J.R. (1931) Notes on Australian Diptera XXVIII. Proceedings of the New Linnean Society of New South Wales, 56, 273–276.
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