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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2019-08-13
Page range: 189–192
Abstract views: 121
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A new species of the genus Toccolosida Walker, 1863 from India (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Pyralinae)

Zoological Survey of India, M-Block New, Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, West Bengal, India.
Zoological Survey of India, M-Block New, Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, West Bengal, India.
Department of Zoology & Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala 147 002, Punjab, India.
Zoological Survey of India, M-Block New, Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, West Bengal, India. Department of Zoology & Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala 147 002, Punjab, India.
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Pyralinae


The genus Toccolosida Walker, 1863 is a member of the Pyralini tribe of the subfamily Pyralinae in the family Pyralidae. It was described as a monotypic genus for Toccolosida rubriceps Walker, 1863 from Sikkim. Snellen (1890, 1892) described two additional species of Toccolosida, T. pallifrons Snellen, 1890 from Sikkim and T. bilinealis Snellen, 1892 from Indonesia and Java. Hampson (1896) erected a new genus Proteinia Hampson, 1896 for T. pallifrons. In 1899, Snellen described another species, T. subolivalis Snellen, 1899 from Indonesia, Sumatra and Padang. Robinson et al. (1994) included two species, T. rubriceps and T. bilinealis, in their account on South East Asian moths and stated that Toccolosida contains 8+ [described as well as undescribed] species from the Indo-Australian region and 6+ species from South East Asia. However, at present the valid Toccolosida species are only three: T. rubriceps, T. bilinealis and T. subolivalis, whereas pallifrons is currently placed in Proteinia (Nuss et al. 2003–2019; pers. comm. Dr. Richard Mally, University Museum of Bergen, Natural History Collections, Bergen, Norway).



  1. Hampson, G. F. (1896) The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Moths, 4. Taylor and Francis Ltd., London, 594 pp.

    Holloway, J. D., Kibby, G. & Piggie, D. (2001) The families of Malesian moths and butterflies. Fauna Malesiana Handbooks 3, Brill, Leiden, 455 pp.

    Nuss, M., Landry, B., Mally, R., Vegliante, F., Tränkner, A., Bauer, F., Hayden, J., Segerer, A., Schouten, R., Li, H., Trofimova, T., Solis, M. A., De Prins, J. & Speidel, W. (2003–2019) Global Information System on Pyraloidea. Available from: (accessed 24 June 2019)

    Robinson, G.S., Tuck, K.R. & Shaffer, M. (1994) A field guide to the smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, 309 pp.

    Snellen, P.C.T. (1890) A catalogue of the Pyralidina of Sikkim collected by Henry J. Elwes and the late Otto Möller, with notes by H. J. Elwes. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 557–647, pls 19–20.

    Snellen, P.C.T. (1892) Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Pyralidina, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie’s Gravenhage, 35, 152–178, pl. 10.

    Snellen, P.C.T. (1899) Eenige aanteekeningen over Pyraliden, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie’s Gravenhage, 41 (1898), 173–193, pls. 8–9.

    Singh, N. & Ranjan, R. (2015) Redescription of genus Toccolosida Walker (Pyralinae: Pyralidae: Lepidoptera). Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology, 35 (3), 225–226.

    Walker, F. (1863) Crambites & Tortricites, List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, London 27, 1–286.