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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-01-07
Page range: 298–300
Abstract views: 69
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First record of Trichosteresis Förster (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) from South America

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Laboratório de Hymenoptera. Av. Nazaré, 481. CEP 04263–000. São Paulo. SP. Brazil
Hymenoptera Megaspilidae


The family Megaspilidae worldwide comprises more than 450 species in 11 genera (Dessart 2006), but the fauna of the family in South America is poorly known. For example, Dendrocerus Ratzeburg has been the only named genus reported from either Argentina (Loiácono 1998; Martinez 2003) or Brazil (Loiácono & Margaría 2002).


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