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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-01-08
Page range: 395–399
Abstract views: 119
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Corrections, additions, and nomenclatural notes to the recently published World catalog of fossil and subfossil Lepidoptera

Department of Entomology, 4112 Plant Sciences Building, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA
Departamento de Entomología, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Av. Arenales 1256, Apartado 14-0434, Lima-14, Peru
Lepidoptera fossil subfossil


Sohn et al. (2012) recently published an annotated catalog of lepidopteran fossils, which was the first attempt to compile all the known fossil specimens, described or undescribed, from the world literature. This publication provided paleontological data such as fossil type, specimen deposition, excavation locality, fossil host plants, and geological age for at least 4,568 specimens, including 229 described fossil species. As originally intended, the catalog already elicited correspondence with various specialists who found errors that the authors were unaware of. We are confident that usefulness of the catalog increases with such feedback. In this article, we provide an update to correct the errors in the publication, together with new information found since the catalog was published, including one new synonym (Baltopsyche Sohn, 2012, syn. nov. = Sucinopsyche Sobczyk, 2011); the proposed change of the nominal Zygaenites to a collective group name; and the resurrection of Satyrites Scudder, 1872 over Lethites Scudder, 1875.


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