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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-01-09
Page range: 446–456
Abstract views: 75
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Osornodella gabrielae, n. gen. and n. sp., a new falklandellid (Amphipoda: Gammaridea) from freshwaters of the Chilean Coastal Range

Departamento de Sistemática Animal, Centro de Estudios en Biodiversidad (CEBCh), Magallanes 1979, Osorno, Chile Laboratorio Ambiental Linnaeus Ltda., Inés Gallardo 2129, Pelluco, Puerto Montt
Crustacea Falklandellidae Osornodella n. gen. O. gabrielae n. sp. freshwater amphipod Chile


The first species of falklandellid amphipod outside the Falkland Islands: Osornodella gabrielae n. gen., n. sp. is described from freshwaters of subterranean origin in the Coastal Range of Osorno province, Chile. The new taxon is characterized principally by the absence of secondary sexual characters in pereopods 3–4, uropod 3 aequiramous and telson slightly cleft. The new species is described and illustrated and its morphological relationships with other known species of this group are discussed.


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