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Published: 2013-01-10
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Harry Beal Torrey (1873–1970) of California, USA, and his research on hydroids and other coelenterates

Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C6
Coelenterata Anthozoa bibliography biography Cnidaria hydroids Hydrozoa marine biology natural history taxonomy zoology


Harry Beal Torrey was born on 22 May 1873 in Boston, Massachusetts. Two years later his family moved to Oakland, California. Torrey earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in zoology from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1895 and 1898 respectively, a Ph.D. in zoology from Columbia University in 1903, and an M.D. from the Medical College of Cornell University in 1927. He began his academic career as a marine biologist, investigating taxonomy, reproduction, morphology, development, regeneration, and behaviour of cnidarians of the west coast of the United States, but his research interests soon shifted to experimental biology and endocrinology. He eventually entered the field of medicine, specializing in public health, and served as a physician and hospital administrator. Torrey held academic positions at the University of California, Berkeley (1895–1912), the Marine Biological Association of San Diego (1903–1912), Reed College (1912–1920), the University of Oregon (1920–1926), and Stanford University (1928–1938). Following retirement from academia, he served as Director of the Children’s Hospital of the East Bay, Oakland, California, from 1938 to 1942. In retirement, he continued an association with the University of California at Berkeley, near his home. Of 84 publications by him listed herein, 31 dealt with coelenterates. This paper focuses on his early research on coelenterate biology, and especially his contributions to taxonomy of hydroids. He was author or coauthor of six genera and 48 species-group taxa of Cnidaria, and he also described one new species each of Ctenophora and Phoronida. Although he abandoned systematic work early in his career, his most widely cited publication is a taxonomic monograph on hydroids of the west coast of North America, published in 1902. He died, at age 97, on 9 September 1970.


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    Torrey, H.B. (1904a) On the habits and reactions of Sagartia davisi. Biological Bulletin, 6, 203–216. [1 April 1904]

    Torrey, H.B. (1904b) Biological studies on Corymorpha. I. C. palma and environment. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 1, 395–422. [November 1904]

    Torrey, H.B. (1904c) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. I. The hydroids of the San Diego region. University of California Publications, Zoology, 2, 1–43. [21 December 1904]

    Torrey, H.B. (1904d) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. II. The ctenophores of the San Diego region. University of California Publications, Zoology, 2, 45–51. [21 December 1904]

    Torrey, H.B. (1905a) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. VI. Differentiation in hydroid colonies and the problem of senescence. University of California Publications, Zoology, 2, 323–332. [13 December 1905]

    Torrey, H.B. (1905b) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. VII. The behavior of Corymorpha. University of California Publications, Zoology, 2, 333–340. [13 December 1905]

    Torrey, H.B. (1906a) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. X. The California shore anemone, Bunodactis xanthogrammica. University of California Publications in Zoology, 3, 41–46. [17 April 1906]

    Torrey, H.B. (1906b) The embryology of Corymorpha. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 55th Meeting, 412. [1906]

    [Torrey, H.B.] (1906c) Torrey, Prof. Harry Beal. In: Cattell, J. M. (ed.), American men of science, a biographical directory. Science Press, New York, p. 322. [1906]

    Torrey, H.B. (1907a) Fission in the hydroid Corymorpha. Science, new series, 25, 734 (abstract). [10 May 1907]

    Torrey, H.B. (1907b) Biological studies on Corymorpha.—II. The development of C. palma from the egg. University of California Publications in Zoology, 3, 253–298. [15 May 1907]

    Torrey, H.B. (1907c) The method of trial and the tropism hypothesis. Science, new series, 26, 313–323. [6 September 1907]

    Torrey, H.B. (1909) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. XXIV. The Leptomedusae of the San Diego region. University of California Publications in Zoology, 6, 11–31. [17 February 1909]

    Torrey, H.B. (1910a) Differentiation in hydroid colonies. II. Aglaophenia. Biological Bulletin, 18, 138–154. [1 February 1910]

    Torrey, H.B. (1910b) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. XXX. Biological studies on Corymorpha. III.—Regeneration of hydranth and holdfast. University of California Publications in Zoology, 6, 205–221. [23 August 1910]

    Torrey, H.B. (1910c) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. XXXI. Note on geotropism in Corymorpha. University of California Publications in Zoology, 6, 223–224. [23 August 1910]

    Torrey, H.B. (1910d) Biological studies on Corymorpha. IV. Budding and fission in heteromorphic pieces and the control of polarity. Biological Bulletin, 19, 280–301. [1 October 1910]

    Torrey, H.B. (1911) Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, Medusae of the World. Publication 109, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 3 Vols., quarto, 1910, pp. 735 + XV; 428 text figures, 78 plates. Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 4, 217–218 (review). [January 1911]

    Torrey, H.B. (1912a) Aspects of regeneration in Corymorpha. Proceedings of the Seventh International Zoölogical Congress, 1907, 517–518. [A copy in the Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard University is stamped with the date “February 21, 1912.” Advance prints of the proceedings were available two years earlier, with a copy in the Library of the MCZ being dated “Jun 13 1910.”]

    Torrey, H.B. (1912b) Oxygen and polarity in Tubularia. University of California Publications in Zoology, 9, 249–251. [28 May 1912]

    Torrey, H.B. (1913a) Modern scientific thought and its influence on philosophy. Popular Science Monthly, 82, 85–99. [January 1913]

    Torrey, H.B. (1913b) Trials and tropisms. Science, new series, 37, 873–876. [6 June 1913]

    Torrey, H. B. (1914) Feeding fingerling salmon. Results of experiments showing relative value of feeding raw and cooked foods. Oregon Sportsman, 2(9), 6–9. [September 1914]

    Torrey, H. B. (Ed.) (1915a) Popular Science Monthly. Pacific coast number. Popular Science Monthly, 86, 209–312. [March 1915]

    Torrey, H.B. (1915b) Adaptation as a process. Scientific Monthly, 1, 264–271. [December 1915]

    Torrey, H.B. (1916a) The physiological analysis of behavior. Journal of Animal Behavior, 6, 150–159. [March–April 1916]

    Torrey, H.B. (1916b) Masturbation. Bulletin of the Oregon Social Hygiene Society, 3(6), 5–6. [March–April 1916]

    Torrey, H.B. (1916c) Tropisms and instinctive activities. Psychological Bulletin, 13, 297–308. [15 August 1916]

    Torrey, H.B. (1917a) Instinct and the rational life. Scientific Monthly, 4, 61–74. [January 1917]

    Torrey, H.B. (1917b) Tropisms and instinctive activities. Psychological Bulletin, 14, 265–276. [August 1917]

    Torrey, H.B. (1918a) The value and service of zoological science:–Value to the individual. Science, new series, 47, 471–476. [17 May 1918]

    Torrey, H.B. (1918b) The house fly. Science, new series, 48, 222. [30 August 1918]

    Torrey, H.B. (1919a) The elementary nervous system. By G.H. Parker. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co. 1919. Pp. 227, figs. 53. Science, new series, 50, 163–164 (review). [15 August 1919]

    Torrey, H.B. (1919b) Mountain sickness. Mazama, 5, 332–338. [December 1919]

    [Torrey, H.B.] (1921) Torrey, Prof. Harry Beal, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. In: Cattell, J. M. & Brimhall, D.R. (eds.), American men of science, a biographical directory. Third edition. Science Press, Garrison, New York, p. 688.

    Torrey, H.B. (1922a) Public health and experimental biology. Scientific Monthly, 14, 253–260. [March 1922]

    Torrey, H.B. (1922b) Unity in the medical curriculum. Northwest Medicine, 21, 49–59. [February] [Seen only as a reprint]

    Torrey, H.B. (1923) The effect of dissolved thyroxin on the division rate of Paramecium. Anatomical Record, 26, 367 (abstract). [December 1923]

    Torrey, H.B. (1924) The depressant action of thyroxin on cell division. Anatomical Record, 29, 100 (abstract). [December 1924]

    Torrey, H.B. (1926) A relation between experimental hyperthyroidism and barring in poultry. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 23, 536–537. [1 April 1926]

    Torrey, H.B. (1927a) Thyroxin and coat color in dilute races of mice and rats. Science, new series, 66, 380–381. [21 October 1927]

    Torrey, H.B. (1927b) Biology in the elementary schools and its contribution to sex education. American Social Hygiene Association Publication, 576, 34 pp. [November 1927]

    Torrey, H.B. (1927c) Study on the effect of thyroxin on division rates of various cells. Year Book of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 26, 228–229. [December 1927]

    Torrey, H.B. (1927d) The function of the thyroid hormone, with especial reference to its rôle in differentiation. Year Book of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 26, 289. [December 1927]

    Torrey, H.B. (1928a) Thyroxin as a depressant of cell division; its effect on the cleavage and early development of sea urchin and ascidian. Endocrinology, 12, 65–80. [January-February 1928]

    Torrey, H.B. (1928b) Psychological care of infant and child. By John B. Watson. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1928. 195. p. $2.00. Journal of Social Hygiene, 14, 324–326 (review). [June 1928]

    Torrey, H.B. (1928c) The Mothers. A study of the origins of sentiments and institutions. By Robert Briffault. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927. In three volumes: xix+781 p.; xx+789 p.; xv+841 p. $27.00. Journal of Social Hygiene, 14, 506–509 (review). [November 1928]

    Torrey, H.B. (1928d) Further study of the control of regeneration in Pennaria by thyroxin. Year Book of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 27, 286 (abstract). [13 December 1928]

    Torrey, H.B. (1929) Woman and love. By Bernhard A. Bauer. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1927. Volume I, 351 p; Volume II, xxvii, 396 p. $10.00. Journal of Social Hygiene, 15, 325–326 (review). [June 1929]

    Torrey, H.B. (1933a) The middle class and medical bills. The case for the section’s program. The Commonwealth–Part Two, 9, 126–131. [23 May 1933]

    Torrey, H.B. (1933b) Dinitrophenol and regeneration in Tubularia. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 31, 156–157. [November 1933]

    Torrey, H.B. (1934) Thyroxin and regeneration in the hydroid Pennaria. Physiological Zoölogy, 7, 586–592. [October 1934]

    Torrey, H.B. (1938a) The evolution of mechanical ideas in ancient Greek thought. American Naturalist, 72, 293–303. [July–August 1938]

    Torrey, H.B. (1938b) Athanasius Kircher and the progress of medicine. Osiris, 5, 246–275. [1938]

    Torrey, H.B. (1939) Animal experimentation. Scientific Monthly, 49, 160–166. [August 1939]

    Torrey, H.B. (1941) Brief article on cerebral palsy, a problem in research at the Children’s Hospital of the East Bay, collaborating with the School for Spastic Children (The Cottage). The Scope, 1941. [March-April] [Not seen]

    [Torrey, H.B.] (1941) TORREY, Professor Harry Beal, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., M.D., F.A.A.A.S., F.A.M.A. In: Fletcher, R.H. (ed.), Who’s who in California. A biographical reference work of notable living men and women of California. Volume 1. Two years 1942–1943. Who’s Who Publication Company, Los Angeles, p. 913. [Online at:, last accessed 24 August 2011].

    Torrey, H.B. (1944) Sickness, not health, insurance. Journal of the American Medical Association, 124, 1080 (letter). [8 April 1944]

    [Torrey, H.B.] (1961) Torrey, Dr. Harry Beal. In: American men of science, a biographical directory. Tenth edition. The physical and biological sciences. S–Z. Jacques Cattell Press, Tempe, Arizona, 4120.

    Torrey, H.B., Briggs, W.D., McMurray, O.K. & Young, A.A. (1917) Academic freedom. Report of the sub-committee on the case of Professor Joseph K. Hart of the University of Washingon. Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors, 3, 13–16. [April 1917]

    Torrey, H.B. & Felin, F. (1937) Was Aristotle an evolutionist? Quarterly Review of Biology, 12, 1–18. [March 1937]

    Torrey, H.B. & Hayes, G.P. (1914) The role of random movements in the orientation of Porcellio scaber to light. Journal of Animal Behavior, 4, 110–120. [March–April 1914]

    Torrey, H.B. & Horning, B. (1922) Hen-feathering induced in the male fowl by feeding thyroid. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 19, 275–279. [1 March 1922]

    Torrey, H.B. & Horning, B. (1925a) The effect of thyroid feeding on the moulting process and feather structure of the domestic fowl. Biological Bulletin, 49, 275–287. [1 October 1925]

    Torrey, H.B. & Horning, B. (1925b) Thyroid feeding and secondary sex characters in Rhode Island Red chicks. Biological Bulletin, 49, 365–374. [1 November 1925]

    Torrey, H.B. & Kleeberger, F.L. (1909) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. XXVII. Three species of Cerianthus from southern California. University of California Publications in Zoology, 6, 115–125. [4 December 1909]

    Torrey, H.B. & Lancefield, D.E. (1914) Notes on the rearing of salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 44, 150–153. [December 1914][150:NOTROS]2.0.CO;2

    Torrey, H.B. & Martin, A.L. (1906) Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego. XI. Sexual dimorphism in Aglaophenia. University of California Publications in Zoology, 3, 47–52. [17 April 1906]

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