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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-01-29
Page range: 223–230
Abstract views: 96
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New Nepticulidae species (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from the Yucatán Peninsula

Division of Biosystematics Research, Department of Biology and Science Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentu 39, Vilnius LT–08106, Lithuania
Division of Biosystematics Research, Department of Biology and Science Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentu 39, Vilnius LT–08106, Lithuania
Division of Biosystematics Research, Department of Biology and Science Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentu 39, Vilnius LT–08106, Lithuania
Division of Biosystematics Research, Department of Biology and Science Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentu 39, Vilnius LT–08106, Lithuania
Lepidoptera Nepticulidae new species Stigmella Acalyptris taxonomy leaf-mines Yucatán


Thirty-eight species of Nepticulidae are known from the Yucatán Peninsula and adjacent areas (mainland Mexico and Be-lize). This paper describes two new species: Stigmella maya Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov. (a leaf-miner of Karwinskia hum-boldtiana, Rhamnaceae), and Acalyptris yucatani Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov. (a leaf-miner of Schinus sp., Anacardiaceae). S. maya is among the smallest Lepidoptera in the world. In its male genitalia S. maya resembles a sizeable group of undescribed species occurring in the Andes (Patagonia: Argentina). The adults of both new species are illustrated with photographs of adults, genitalia and leaf-mines.


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    Puplesis*, R., Diškus, A., Robinson, G.S. & Onore, G. (2002b) A review and checklist of the Neotropical Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Entomology), 71 (1), 59–76.

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    (* Stonis, J.R., formerly Puplesis, R.)