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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-02-04
Page range: 589–592
Abstract views: 144
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Teinobasis fatakula sp. nov. (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae), found on ‘Eua Island, Kingdom of Tonga

University of Canterbury, Freshwater Ecology Research Group, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
2091 Partridge Lane, Binghamton NY 13903, USA
Odonata dragonflies Teinobasis Tonga ‘Eua Island


A recent study of the 'Eua Island in the Kingdom of Tonga has yielded a small Odonata fauna including the new species Teinobasis fatakula (Holotype ♂: Kingdom of Tonga, ‘Eua Island, 21.3781o S, 174.9346o W, elevation 175 m; 14 July 2012, M. Marinov leg.). Because 'Eua has aquatic habitats unique within the Kingdom of Tonga, the new species is very likely endemic to that island and represents an extension of the verified range of the genus of at least 2800 km.


  1. Clausnitzer, V. (2003) Teinobasis alluaudi Martin, 1896 from mainland Africa: Notes on ecology and biogeography (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica, 32(4), 321–334.

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    Marinov, M. (2012) Odonata from the Kingdom of Tonga with a description of Pseudagrion microcephalum stainbergerorum ssp. nov. (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica, 41(3), 225–243.

    Marinov, M. (2013) Contribution to the Odonata of the Kingdom of Tonga. Faunistic studies in South-East Asian and Pacific Island Odonata, Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund, 1, 1–18.