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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-02-08
Page range: 125–145
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New or amended data on Mediterranean Amphipoda: genera Dexamine, Ericthonius and Stenothoe

Zoolog. Forschungsinstitut Museum A. Koenig, D- 53113 Bonn
Crustacea Mediterranean Amphipoda Dexamine filiola n. sp. Ericthonius didymus n. sp. Stenothoe cattai Stebbing Stenothoe dollfusi Chevreux corrected


The Mediterranean amphipod species Dexamine filiola n. sp. and Ericthonius didymus n. sp. were discovered by their ovigerous females which differ in length from morphologically similar species. An error in the description of Stenothoe dollfusi Chevreux could finally be cleared up, and the Mediterranean material called Stenothoe gallensis Walker in reality belongs to Stenothoe cattai Stebbing.


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