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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-02-11
Page range: 281–288
Abstract views: 120
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New paedomorphic brachiopods from the abyssal zone of the north-eastern Pacific Ocean

Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
Yuzhmorgeologiya, Federal Scientific Centre, Russia, Gelendzhik 352 461
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 117 997, Russia
Mollusca Brachiopoda deep-sea benthos Clarion-Clipperton Zone north-eastern Pacific new species paedomorphosis


New Recent very small but sexually mature brachiopods have been found at abyssal depths (4580–4850 m) in the Clarion- Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean. They are characterized by simple (under-developed, juvenile) morphological fea-tures, which are interpreted here as paedomorphic, indicating the importance of heterochrony in the evolution of deep-sea brachiopods. We have described these brachiopods as representing two new genera and species, i.e. Oceanithyris juveni-formis Bitner & Zezina (Family ?Dyscoliidae) and Simpliciforma profunda Bitner & Zezina (Superfamily Gwynioidea).


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