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Type: Article
Published: 2002-06-21
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A review of North and Central American Paragrilus Saunders, 1871 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae)

Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Box 951606, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606
Coleoptera Agrilus Buprestidae Central America Malvales North America Paragrilus Sida.


The buprestid genus Paragrilus Saunders, 1871 is reviewed for North and Central America. Of 18 species that are recognized, six are described as new: P. akersi, P. burkei, P. heliocarpi, P. moldenkei, P. fallorum, and P. azureus. Species fall into three species groups, the P. rugatulus group, the P. trifoveolatus group, and the P. aeraticollis group. Four species are considered to occur in the United States: P. burkei, P. lesueuri Waterhouse, P. rugatulus Thomson, and P. tenuis (LeConte). A key is given to separate species. Lectotypes are designated for P. laevicollis Waterhouse and P. trifoveolatus Waterhouse. All known adult hosts are in the Malvales (families Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae), two species have been reared (P. lesueuri and P. tenuis), and four species of the P. rugatulus group are known to associate with the genus Sida in the family Malvaceae.


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