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Published: 2013-02-20
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Checklist of lizards and amphisbaenians of Argentina: an update

CENPAT-CONICET. Boulevard Almirante Brown 2915, U9120ACD, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
CENPAT-CONICET. Boulevard Almirante Brown 2915, U9120ACD, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
CENPAT-CONICET. Boulevard Almirante Brown 2915, U9120ACD, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
Reptilia Reptiles Liolaemus Phymaturus South America list


We update the list of lizards ofArgentina, reporting a total of 261 species from the country, arranged in 27 genera and 10 families. Introduced species and dubious or erroneous records are discussed. Taxonomic, nomenclatural and distributional comments are provided when required. Considering species of probable occurrence in the country (known to occur inBolivia,Brazil,ChileandParaguayat localities very close to the Argentinean border) and still undescribed taxa, we estimate that the total number of species inArgentinacould exceed 300 in the next few years.


  1. Abdala, C.S. (2002) Nuevo Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) perteneciente al grupo boulengeri de la provincia de Neuquén, Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 16, 3–14.

    Abdala, C.S. (2003) Cuatro nuevas especies del género Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae), pertenecientes al grupo boulengeri, de la Patagonia, Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 17, 3–32.

    Abdala, C.S. (2005a) Dos nuevas especies del género Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) y redescripción de Liolaemus boulengeri (Koslowsky, 1898). Cuadernos de Herpetología, 19, 3–34.

    Abdala, C.S. (2005b) Una nueva especie del género Liolaemus perteneciente al complejo darwinii (Iguania: Liolaemidae) de la provincia de Catamarca, Argentina. Revista Española de Herpetología, 19, 5–17.

    Abdala, C.S. (2007a). Phylogeny of the boulengeri group (Iguania, Liolaemidae, Liolaemus) based on morphological and molecular characters. Zootaxa, 1538, 1–84.

    Abdala, C.S. (2007b) Estatus de Liolaemus ditadai, Cei 1983, (Iguania: Liolaemidae) y ampliación de su rango de distribución. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 21, 59–63.

    Abdala, C.S. & Díaz Gómez, J.M. (2001) Novedad Zoogeográfica: Liolaemus silvanae (Donoso Barros & Cei, 1971) (Iguania: Liolaemidae). Cuadernos de Herpetología, 15, 143–144.

    Abdala, C.S. & Díaz Gómez, J.M. (2006) A new species of the Liolaemus darwinii group (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from Catamarca Province, Argentina. Zootaxa, 1317, 21–33.

    Abdala, C.S. & Juarez, R. (2006) Geographic distribution. Liolaemus donosobarrosi. Herpetological Review, 37, 106.

    Abdala, C.S. & Lobo, F. (2006a) Geographic distribution. Liolaemus loboi. Herpetological Review, 37, 197.

    Abdala, C.S. & Lobo, F. (2006b) Description of a new patagonian lizard species of de Liolaemus silvanae group (Iguania: Liolaemidae). South American Journal of Herpetology, 1, 1–8.[1:DOANPL]2.0.CO;2

    Abdala, C.S. & Lobo, F. (2006c) Nueva especie del grupo de Liolaemus darwinii (Iguania: Liolaemidae) del noroeste de Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 19, 3–18.

    Abdala, C.S & Juarez, R. (2007) Geographic distribution: Phymaturus verdugo. Herpetological Review, 38, 101–102.

    Abdala, C.S. & Quinteros, S. (2007) Liolaemus hermannunezi Pincheira-Donoso et al., 2007 (Iguania, Liolaemidae). Cuadernos de Herpetología, 21, 119.

    Abdala, C.S. & Robles, C. (2007) Geographic distribution: Liolaemus buergeri. Herpetological Review, 38, 101.

    Abdala, C.S. & Lobo, F. (2007) Geographic distribution: Liolaemus umbrifer. Herpetological Review, 38, 101.

    Abdala, C.S., Martinez, F. & Muñoz, L. (2007) Geographic distribution: Liolaemus laurenti. Herpetological Review, 38, 353.

    Abdala, C.S. & Quinteros, S. (2008) Una nueva especie de Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolameidae) endémica de la Sierra de Fiambalá, Catamarca, Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 22, 35–47.

    Abdala, C.S., Quinteros, S. & Espinosa, R.E. (2008) Two new species of Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from Puna of northwestern Argentina. Herpetologica, 64, 458–471.

    Abdala, C.S., Acosta, J.C., Cabrera, M.R., Villavicencio, H.J. & Marinero J. (2009) A new andean Liolaemus of the L. montanus series (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae) from western Argentina. South American Journal of Herpetology, 4, 91–102.

    Abdala, C.S., Quinteros, A.S., Scrocchi, G.J. & Stazzonelli, J.C. (2010) Three new species of the Liolaemus elongatus group (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 24, 93–109.

    Abdala, C.S., Quinteros, A.S., Arias, F. Portelli, S. & Palavecino, A.P. (2011) A new species of the Liolaemus darwinii group (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from Salta Province, Argentina. Zootaxa, 2968, 26–38.

    Abdala, C.S., Semhan, R.V., Moreno Azocar, D.L., Bonino, M., M. Paz M. & Cruz, F. (2012a) Taxonomic study and morphology based phylogeny of the patagonic clade Liolaemus melanops group (Iguania: Liolaemidae), with the description of three new taxa. Zootaxa, 3163, 1–32.

    Abdala, C.S., Díaz Gómez, J.M. & Heredia, V.I.J. (2012b) From the far reaches of Patagonia: New phylogenetic analyses and description of two new species of the Liolaemus fitzingerii clade (Iguania: Liolaemidae). Zootaxa, 3301, 34–60.

    Acosta, J.C. & Gomez, P. (2000) Geographic distribution. Tupinambis rufescens. Herpetological Review, 31, 185.

    Acosta, J.C. & Murúa, F. (2000) Geographic distribution. Liolaemus riojanus. Herpetological Review, 31, 53.

    Acosta, J.C., Ortíz, G. & Murúa, F. (2000) Geographic distribution. Liolaemus fitzgeraldi. Herpetological Review, 31, 185.

    Acosta, J.C. & Blanco, G. (2001) Geographic distribution. Homonota andicola. Herpetological Review, 32, 120.

    Acosta, J.C. Villavicencio, H.J., & Marinero, J.A. (2007) Anfibios y Reptiles. Biodiversidad, bio-ecologia y especies de valor especial para monitoreo. In: Martinez Carretero, E. (Ed.). Diversidad biológica y cultural de los altos Andes centrales de Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. 284 pp.

    Aguirre, R.H. & Cespedez, J.A. (2001) Geographic distribution. Vanzosaura rubricauda. Herpetological Review, 32, 121.

    Alvarez, B.B. (2000) Geographic distribution. Anisolepis grilli. Herpetological Review, 31, 253.

    Alvarez, B.B., Aguirre, R.H., Céspedez, J. A., Hernando, A. & Tedesco, M. E. (2002) Atlas de anfibios y reptiles. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, 160 pp.

    Alvarez, B.A., Ruiz Garcia, J.A., Cespedez, J.A., Hernando, A.B., Zaracho, V.H., Calamante, C.C., & Aguirre, R.H. (2009) Herpetofauna, provinces of Chaco and Formosa, Chaco Oriental region, north-eastern Argentina. Check List, 5, 74–82.

    Arias, F. & Lobo, F. (2005) Geographic distribution. Cnemidophorus serranus. Herpetological Review, 36, 467.

    Avila, L.J. (2003) A new species of Liolaemus (Squamata: Liolaemidae) from northeastern Argentina and southern Paraguay. Herpetologica, 59, 282–291.

    Avila, L.J. 2004. On the geographic distribution of the Andean liolaemid lizard Liolaemus fitzgeraldi (Squamata, Liolaemidae). Bulletin of Chicago Herpetological Society, 39, 8–9.

    Avila, L.J., Montero, R. & Morando, M. (2000) Evaluación del estado de conservación de la fauna de lagartijas y anfisbénidos de la República Argentina. In: Lavilla, E.O., Richard, E.R., y Scrocchi, G.J. (Eds.) Categorización de Anfibios y Reptiles de Argentina. Asociación Herpetológica Argentina, 108 pp.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M. & Pérez, C.H.F. (2001) New records and natural history notes for lizards and snakes from Patagonia, Argentina. Herpetological Review, 32, 64–65.

    Avila, L.J., Pérez, C.H.F., Morando, M. & Frutos, N (2002) New records for Liolaemus grosseorum Etheridge, 2001 (Reptilia: Squamata: Liolaemidae) from northwestern Patagonia. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, 37, 100–101.

    Avila, L.J. & Carrizo, G.R. (2003) Lista comentada y distribución geográfica de la herpetofauna de la provincia de San Luis Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 47, 93–116.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M. & Belver, L.C. (2003a) Natural history and geographic distribution of the desert lizard Liolaemus pseudoanomalus (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae) from northern Monte region, Argentina. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, 38, 52–53.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M. & Pérez, C.H.F. (2003b) New records and natural history notes for Pristidactylus nigroiugulus Cei, Scolaro & Videla, 2001 from Río Negro and Chubut provinces, Argentina. Herpetozoa, 16, 83–86.

    Avila, L.J., Perez, C.H.F. & Morando M. (2003c) A new species of Liolaemus (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae from northwestern Patagonia (Neuquén, Argentina). Herpetologica, 59, 534–545.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M., Pérez, C.H.F. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2004a) New records and natural history notes of lizards of the genus Liolaemus in northern Patagonia. Herpetozoa, 17, 83–86.

    Avila, L.J., M. Morando, M., Pérez, C.H.F. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2004b) Phylogenetic relationships of lizards of the Liolaemus petrophilus group (Squamata, Liolaemidae), with description of two new species from western Argentina. Herpetologica, 60, 187–203.

    Avila, L.J. & Pérez, D.R. (2006) Notes on geographic distribution. Liolaemus punmahuida. Check List, 2, 55–56.

    Avila, L.J., Martinez, L.E. & Morando, M. (2006a) Lista actualizada y comentada de los saurios de Argentina. Resumenes VII Congreso Argentino de Herpetologia. Corrientes, Argentina. pp. 89

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2006b) Congeneric phylogeography: hypothesizing species limits and evolutionary processes in Patagonian lizards of the Liolaemus boulengeri group (Squamata: Liolaemini). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 89, 241–275.

    Avila, L.J., Frutos, N., Pérez, C.H.F., Kozykariski, M. & Morando, M. (2006c) Reptilia, Iguania, Liolaemini, Liolaemus petrophilus and Liolaemus pictus: geographic distribution, filling gaps, new records. Check List, 2, 65–69.

    Avila, L.J., Frutos, N., & Morando, M. (2006d) New records of Liolaemus inacayali Abdala, 2003 in western Río Negro province, Patagonia, Argentina. Herpetozoa, 19, 3–4.

    Avila L.J, Kozykariski, M., Feltrin, N & Morando, M. (2007a) Geographic distribution: Amphisbaena plumbea. Herpetological Review, 38, 217.

    Avila, L.J., Pérez, C.H.F., Morando, M. & Sites Jr, J.W. (2007b) Geographic distribution: Liolaemus fitzingerii. Herpetological Review, 38, 352.

    Avila, L.J., Frutos, N., Pérez, C.H.F., Pérez, D.R. & Morando, M. (2007c) Reptilia, Iguania, Liolaemidae, Liolaemus somuncurae: Distribution extension. Check List, 3, 11–13.

    Avila, L.J., Pérez, C.H.F., Pérez, D.R. & Morando, M. (2007d) Reptilia, Squamata, Liolaemidae, Phymaturus verdugo: Distribución extension, new provincial records, filling gaps, and geographic distribution map. Check List, 3, 250–252.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M., Pérez, C.H.F. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2007e) A new species of Liolaemus (Reptilia: Squamata: Liolaemini) from southern Mendoza province, Argentina. Zootaxa, 1452, 43–54.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2008) New species of the iguanian lizard genus Liolaemus (Squamata, Iguania, Liolaemini) from central Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Herpetology, 42, 186–196.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M., Pérez, D.R. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2009) A new species of Liolaemus from Añelo sand dunes, northern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina, and molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Liolaemus wiegmannii species group (Squamata, Iguania, Liolaemini). Zootaxa, 2234, 39–55.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M., Pérez, C.H.F. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2010a) A new species of Liolaemus (Reptilia: Squamata) from southwestern Rio Negro province, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Zootaxa, 2434, 47–59.

    Avila, L.J., Morando, M., Pérez, D.R. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2010b) A new species of the Liolaemus elongatus group (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemini) from Cordillera del Viento, northwestern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina. Zootaxa, 2667, 28–42.

    Avila, L.J., Martinez, L.E. & Morando, M. (2011a) Lista de las lagartijas y anfisbaenas de Argentina: una actualización. Los que se van, Buenos Aires, pp. 26. Available from:> (December 2011).

    Avila, L.J., Pérez, C.H.F. Pérez, D.R. & Morando M. (2011b) Two new mountain lizard species of the Phymaturus genus (Squamata: Iguania) from northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Zootaxa, 2924, 1–21.

    Avila, L.J., Pérez, C.H.F. Medina, C.D., Sites Jr., J.W. & Morando M. (2012a) A new species of lizard of the Liolaemus elongatus clade (Reptilia: Iguania: Liolaemini) from Curi Leuvu River Valley, northern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina. Zootaxa, 3325, 37–52.

    Avila, L.J., Pérez, C.H.F., Minoli, I. & Morando, M. (2012b) A new species of Homonota Gray, 1845 (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkota: Phyllodactylidae) from the Ventania mountain range, Southeastern Pampas, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Zootaxa, 3431, 19–36.

    Avila, L.J., Olave, M.,Pérez, C.H.F., Perez, D.R. & Morando, M. (2012c) Molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Liolaemus rothi complex and a new species of lizard from Auca Mahuida Volcano (Squamata: Liolaemini). Zootaxa 3608(4), 221–238.

    Baldo, D., Borteiro, C., Brusquetti, F., García, J. E. & Prigioni, C. (2008) Reptilia, Gekkonidae, Hemidactylus mabouia, Tarentola mauritanica: Distribution extension and anthropogenic dispersal. Check List, 4, 434–438.

    Breitman, M.F., Avila, L.J. , Sites Jr., J.W. & Morando, M. (2011a) Lizards from the end of the world: phylogenetic relationships of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemini). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 59, 365–376.

    Breitman, M.F., Parra, M., Pérez, C.H.F. & Sites Jr., J.W. (2011b) New species of lizard from the magellanicus clade of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Patagonia. Zootaxa, 3120, 1–28.

    Breitman, M.F., Pérez, C.H.F., Parra, M., Morando, M., Sites Jr., J.W. & Avila, L.J. (2011c) New species of lizard from the magellanicus clade of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Patagonia. Zootaxa, 3123, 32–48.

    Breitman, M.F., Avila L.J., Sites, Jr., J.W. & Morando, M. (2012) How lizards survived blizzards: phylogeography of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus group (Liolaemidae) reveals multiple breaks and refugia in southern Patagonia, and their concordance with other co-distributed taxa. Molecular Ecology, 21, 6068-6085.

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