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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-02-21
Page range: 387–395
Abstract views: 105
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Two new species of the ladybird beetle Hong Ślipiński from Chile (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Microweiseinae)

Nocedal 6455, Santiago, Chile
CSIRO–Ecosystem Sciences, Australian National Insect Collection, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, FAGRO–Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela
Coleoptera taxonomy biogeography south temperate forest


The ladybird beetle genus Hong Ślipiński was previously known from a single female specimen from a subtropical forest in South East Queensland, Australia. Hong guerreroi sp. nov. and H. slipinskii sp. nov. from a temperate forests of Central and Southern Chile are described and illustrated. A key for the species of the genus and complementary characters, in-cluding the first description of males, are provided.


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